2015 SEMpdx SearchFest Mini-Interview: John-Henry Scherck

John-Henry Scherck - SearchFest 2015 SpeakerJohn-Henry Scherck will be speaking on “Link-Building” at SearchFest 2015 which will take place Friday, February 27, 2015 in Portland Oregon. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.

1) Please give us your background and tell us what you do for a living.
I am a web strategist for WP Engine, I manage paid and organic traffic acquisition and split testing as well as execute both on site and external content marketing initiatives. Before going in-house I worked for several agencies, namely SEER Interactive and Builtvisible. I consider myself a technical web marketer – I am passionate about tactical, technical SEO, landing page optimization, web scraping, data visualization, Excel, marketing (content, automation, events, product, whatever!) and WordPress.

2) How is a content strategy a vehicle for link creation?
Good content gets links, plain and simple. The trick is defining what’s “good” — we could touch on that topic for a few hours 🙂

3) What essential tools should be part of a link builders toolkit?
Creativity, research skills and the ability to think critically so you can transform data and text into a cohesive and persuasive digital asset.

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