2015 SEMpdx SearchFest Mini-Interview: Marty Weintraub
Marty Weintraub will be speaking on “How To Make (Piles Of) Money With Social Media In 8 (Absolutely) Attainable Steps” at SearchFest 2015 which will take place Friday, February 27, 2015 in Portland Oregon. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.
1) Please give us your background and tell us what you do for a living.
I’m a musician by trade, having attended Berklee College in the 70s. After going on the road with a band, I toured the world for years. Landing in Minneapolis in the 80s afforded the opportunity to get involved in making records. It was an incredible in the Twin Cities, with bands like Prince, Soul Asylum, The Replacements and many others. In the early 90s I made music that blended dolphin song and music, selling many, many CDs.
Being in bands led to making jingles. Advertising music got me in the door to ad agencies. The WWW was just hitting and I was all over it, making websites as early as 1992. Pretty soon I was making websites for the agencies that hired me to do Jingles. The transition to ad agency executive was underway!
2) How do you convincingly respond to somebody who says that they don’t want to advertise on Facebook because either their audience isn’t there or because the subject matter isn’t relevant to what people typically look for on the platform?
I say go ahead… don’t use Facebook because that leaves more for ME. LOL! Simply put, Facebook is the most focused psychographic display network on earth. You have to be insane not to use it. The targeting is explicit and distribution ubiquitous. Nearly every type of targeting exists on Facebook, If the targeting exists, then the users who comprise the data that forms the targeting also exist. Just make sure that the content you amplify on Facebook is salient to the users you’re targeting.
3) Should sponsored tweets be more “informational” or more “salesy” in order for a business to achieve optimum results from their campaigns?
The best advice here is to look for organic Tweets that succeed, in terms of engagement. Amplify the ones that worked well organically. If you have a promotion or “need” to be salesy for a campaign, pattern the tweets after others which have succeeded organically.
Sure, it can work to straight-up advertise on Twitter. However as a general rule of social advertising thumb, it’s better to follow what genuinely works in the organic world to pattern promoted content after what is proven to engage organically.