Marcus Tober in Portland! Interview and event details

October 14, 2015 – Mobile Ranking Factors with Marcus Tober – BridgePort BrewPub

NOTE: October’s event is the 2nd Wednesday of the month, due to a conflict with the Bend WebCAM/Swivel Conference in Bend, OR.

Please join us on Wednesday, October 14, in the Heritage Room at BridgePort BrewPub as we welcome Marcus Tober from Searchmetrics, who will be presenting The Most Important Ranking Factors for Mobile Search Now and in the Future

Here is a short interview – join us to see him in person! event page

  1. Marcus ToberHow did you get started in your field?

I started in SEO end of 2000 when I finished my first study. It was media design and while I was building websites for SMBs they asked me to submit them to search engines. This is how it started that I wanted to understand what happens after the submissions and I became fast a member of a small community in these times. Then I studied computer science and my diploma thesis was about how search engines index and evaluate content. I built my first SEO platform in 2005 called and founded Searchmetrics in the same year.


  1. What is your top/most favorite accomplishment you’ve made in your field?

I’m proud that I did it to build the first Software as a Service platform in SEO. I started to build it in 2005 when there was no platform anywhere in SEO. People used to use Desktop rank trackers and a SEO tools online. But it was all tools and tactics and of course about backlinks. But I had a vision and that still drives our passion to innovate and influence digital marketers around the world.


  1. What can people expect to get out of your presentation?

People can expect many insights into how search develops and is going to become more and more diverse on different devices. Especially I focus on Mobile Search, but in the end this is an example how the user intention on different devices changes and how it if reflected in successful content. This year we conducted new ranking factors, so the audience can expect new insights in where successful content is different. In a world with more and more redundancy following


  1. What do you do for fun (Hobbies, interests, vacation, etc.)?

I have 2 lovely kids and when I have time then we do fun stuff. Like climbing or Go-Kart driving. Besides that I just do sports to stay fit and focus on Searchmetrics. Because Searchmetrics is not a job, it is my passion.


Register here event page – see you there!

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