Scott Burroughs – September 2016 Member of the Month
About Scott Burroughs
Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, Web / App Development. I’m not an expert in any digital niche, but I’m possibly above average in some. I’m good about being entrepreneurial, knowing what’s possible, how to improve, how systems and design should function, where we want to go, and what we need to do next.”
What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“I love marketing and business in general, today digital often forms the base.”
What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“As you’re knocking tasks out as fast as you can, stop and think about the work you are doing. Think broadly past the puzzle piece in front of you, and learn about other digital niches at least at a basic level. It will help you do better work faster. And of course, SEMpdx is a great place learn what else is going on out there.”
Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“Great people is a big reason! I love learning….even though SEM is daunting to keep up with. I also like talking shop and trying to keep up with all the changes makes for good conversation. To move my company forward it’s important to know what’s coming, where we can make progress, what has become ubiquitous, and what’s already dead. Digital comprises the base of marketing….kind of important stuff!”
Who’s been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“That’s a hard one. There have been a lot of great presentations. For this year I’d have to say Dennis Yu. Fun content, great message about building out your marketing step by step with repeatable processes, and Dennis was great presenter.”
If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“I’m interested in User Experiences and CRO. I think the topic would be helpful for the work our members do and recently had a great conversation on the topic with Summer Lamson at SubtextDigital. Peep with could also talk on CRO. I was impressed with some content I saw from him a couple years ago. While less pertinent, I also feel branding is more important than it ever has been and would like to learn more about it.”
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Well…good question. I have a good friend who does business valuation. I’ve been finding that really interesting. Traveling. I could leave the country for a while.”
Favorite Beverage and why?
“Bullet Rye Manhattan”
To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“Several years ago I also built out I love hearing about what people are doing. If you see me, come say hi! “
Thanks, Scott!
You heard him, folks! If you see him, say hi and maybe congratulate him on his Member of the Month status. I’m sure he’d also take a Bullet Rye Manhattan off your hands too.