Jonathan Pape – August 2018 Member of the Month
We’re excited to announce our August 2018 member of the month, Jonathan Pape! Jonathan is the senior marketing manager, specializing in search and insights, for First Tech Federal Credit Union. We pinned him down for a hard-hitting, deeply investigative interview, full of “gotcha” questions, designed to entrap him into admitting what he loves most about digital marketing. Here we go.
About Jonathan
Area(s) of Expertise
“B2C, enterprise level SEM accounts”
What do you love most about Digital Marketing? Why?
“My favorite part of digital marketing is the innovation. I love how digital marketing is constantly changing and it is up to advertisers to be bold and experiment and test new opportunities.”
What advice do you have for college students who are interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Spend a lot of time with account managers and marketing managers and watch how they lead meetings and frame ideas. You may be brilliant at advertising and analytics but they are usually experts in client communication. Create tools that add value to your organization: Excel worksheets and macros, advertising mocks for account managers before client meetings, job aids that outline complicated processes. Finally, some recommended books would be The Dip by Seth Godin, The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille, and Co-opetiton by Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff.”
Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“Amanda Bernard from iSite (Connective DX) and one of the analysts from iSite (sorry I forgot your name) gave a really interesting presentation on micro-conversion moments using KinderCare as an example (2014 or 2015 I think). It was the first real practical implementation of the micro-conversion moments Google had been evangelizing in the ZMOT book (Zero Moment of Truth).”
Have you been to Engage and how many have you attended?
“I have been to Engage the last three years. Michael King from iPullRank was amazing and I loved all the tools he mentioned, especially the headless browsers. Also, I really enjoyed Jeremy Schoemaker (Shoemoney). After ShoeMoney’s presentation, we got to hang out at Punch Bowl Social and discuss the Huskers football quiz.”
Who would you most love to hear speak at an event and why? If there’s no one specific, what would you most like to hear or learn about at an event?
“Chip Reno from T-Mobile had an awesome presentation at last year’s Digital Summit on customer attribution across four platforms: web traffic that is not logged-in, current customers, prospective customers (Experian data, for example), and users who viewed digital advertisements (ip info from banner and native ads).”
If you weren’t doing what you do now, what would you do? Don’t let money, circumstances, or reality in general hold you back on this one 😉
“I love hiking and the mountains. I would love to hike Mont Blanc, the Dolomites, the Cinque Terre Coastal Trail, Torres del Paine National Park, and the Pacific Northwest Trail.”
Favorite beverage and why?
“I’m from Michigan and I love Bell’s Oberon and Bell’s Two Hearted Ale.”
Favorite movie or movie character and why?
“My favorite movies are by Wes Anderson: The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, and The Darjeeling Limited. I also like Werner Herzog documentaries because the subjects are so quirky and passionate that they seem fictional. Here is a list of my favorite Herzog movies.”
Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“Don’t let your job title define your interests and role in the organization. I recently won the Data Analyst challenge at our work by developing a new way to create member segments based on native advertising targeting used at Yahoo. I only know a little SQL and Tableau but a digital marketer gets really good at finding value in mountains of data.”