Engage 2020 Mini-Interview: Kelsey Jones
Kelsey will be speaking on Brand Marketing at Engage 2020 which will be taking place March 12th and 13th at the Sentinel Hotel in Portland, Oregon. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.
1) Please give us your background and let us know what you do for a living.
I started out with a degree in English literature and creative writing, but transitioned into marketing after writing for our college newspaper. I’ve owned my own marketing agency since 2008, doing SEO audits, content strategy and production, and social media management for businesses of all sizes, from Salesforce to Moz. Now, I work as Content Director for Thruline Marketing in the higher education space and I still have my own business and speak at conferences a few times a year.
2) How can you convince a business to invest in premium content creation when content mills allow content to be purchased so cheaply?
It’s hard and sometimes a battle you can’t win. Sometimes I will show them real examples of content I’ve produced versus content from a content mill. If that doesn’t convince them and they only care about the price, then we’re not usually a match anyway.
3) Can a new search marketer still get widely noticed via blogging or has social media stolen that thunder?
I think it’s a mixture of the two, and that involves building relationships too. Work with others in the industry to do posts for them that are really high quality. Build up a social media following so you have an audience to read your posts. Live streaming, video, and email newsletters are still good ways to build and connect with your brand.