5 Things You’ll Still Be Talking About After #EngagePDX 2024 by SEMpdx Advisory Board Member Heather Lloyd-Martin
Are you excited for EngagePDX this October? Here are five things you’ll still be raving about after the conference ends and you’re back in the office.
(And if you still need to sign up, what are you waiting for?)
You learned from speakers who knew their stuff. Wil and Rachel’s day one and two keynotes? Amazing. The session tracks? Wow, so many great ideas. Sure, it’s great to learn from in-the-trenches subject matter experts. But you also loved how the speakers were engaging, highly informative, and focused on giving great information. Plus,
You got your questions answered during every session. Dedicated Q & A time after the sessions helped things click into place and cement your knowledge. You weren’t wondering, “I wonder what the speaker meant by that?” You didn’t have to chase the speaker down and ask for clarification. You got the answers you needed. And now…
Your brain is still bursting with ideas! You walked away with lists of takeaways, to-dos, and things to try. You’re still telling colleagues about everything you learned. Engage made digital marketing feel fun again, which means…
You can’t stop talking about the value. Two days of an information-packed event + top-notch speakers for less than $550? Score! You had at least 50 brainstorms and ideas during the event, which meant you paid less than $11 per smart idea or thing to try. Yes! Plus…
You met some fantastic folks. The laid-back conference vibe meant that meeting new people and networking was easy. You left with new contacts, friends, and maybe even a new opportunity – and now, you can’t wait for next year’s Engage. See you there!