Board of Directors
Doug Zanger
Founder, Creative Bohemian + Indie Agency News and President, NextNW Board of Directors
Simone Davis
Marketing Consultant
Paul Enriquez
Director of Sales, Northwest,
Brittany Fero
Marc Moran
Faculty Director of Advertising Programs, Portland State University
Darren Rankin
Co-Founder, The Joe Moore Award
Stephanie Waddle
Senior Media Manager, Amazon
Cindy Wade
Director of Operations, North
Tim Wang
Founder & Principal, TDW+Co
Lisa Zakroff
General Manager, West, Mekanism
Stephen Green
Founder, Greener Pastures NW and PitchBlack / Interim Executive Dir., Business for a Better Portland
Anthony Reeves
Creative, Marketing + Media Consultant, Reeves
Michael Bartley
Executive Creative Director, Indigo Slate
Mindy Stomp
CEO, Drake Cooper