5 Reasons to Get the SearchFest Video Bundle


Marty Weintraub and Will Scott at SearchFest 2015SearchFest 2015 was another resounding success thanks to all the great speakers, SEMpdx board, members and SearchFest attendees. The SEMpdx SearchFest team and Board of Director Membership Chair, Nathan Isaacs are hard at work taking lots of great video footage from the show to provide attendees and even non-attendees access to a SearchFest 2015 Video Bundle for the first time in our 9 year history of sponsoring the one day conference.

Here are 5 reasons to get the video bundle, whether or not you attended SearchFest:

  1. You can’t be in four places at once! With four tracks focused on multiple disciplines of search, social, paid search and content ranging from fundamentals to expert-level you’ll want to attend more than just one track.
  2. It may be the best marketing educational value around. Ranging from $49-$299 the video bundle costs less than many 2 hour workshops and it will be chock full of more than 24 hours of marketing brilliance by speakers who provide strategy for some of the world’s biggest and most successful brands.
  3. Post-show video access keeps the learning going. It’s easy to go to conferences, learn, get inspired and then go back to the office and it’s business as usual. Use post-show video access to keep yourself and your team on track and make the connection between learning and execution. There’s no better way to illustrate the value of your conference experience than showing how you’re using strategies and tactics from presentations to execute in-house or with clients. Having video allows you and your team to recap learnings together.
  4. Familiarize yourself with great digital marketing strategists. Whether your focus is search, social, content or analysis, SearchFest boasts the best speakers in the business that are hand-picked (we don’t accept pitches) for their excellence. It’s a great way to find the digital marketing practitioners you want to follow after the show. Rand Fishkin’s Moz blog publishes an aggregation of research and how-to guides for marketers of all levels. Rae Hoffman publishes a no-nonsense blog about technical, cutting edge search topics. Mat Siltala focuses on not just the searchability of content but the usability and design aspects of marketing assets. (You won’t be the first to note that, yes, he does look a bit like that guy on Duck Dynasty:)
  5. Try something different. The video bundle gives you the opportunity to watch the video presentations of new-to-you thought leaders. Watch and judge who among this crowd will later be a keynote speaker at SearchFest or MozCon.

SearchFest 2015 session videos are now available to view online.  Purchase your SearchFest Video Bundle now.

(Note: Unfortunately the closing keynote will not be available for video purchase.)


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