Adam Krumbein – June 2017 Member of the Month

June is the last month before our summer break! So Adam Krumbein will be our last Member of the Month until September. Adam is the Marketing Director at Southwest Antennas, which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance broadband RF and Microwave antennas. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.
About Adam Krumbein
Area(s) of Expertise
“Email Marketing, SEO, Sales Pipeline Development”
What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“One of my favorite things about digital marketing is the interaction with the end users and customers. I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing the projects I work on help our customers solve their problems while at the same time helping my company grow. I’m very lucky with my current position to not only get to work on typical strategic marketing objectives and projects but I get a lot of first-hand interaction with our customers, who are just fantastic. I work in a technical market and this challenges me every day to learn about topics far beyond typical core marketing specialties.”
What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“I’d recommend trying to discover the areas of marketing that really interest you and spend time learning about those subjects on your own – almost nothing I do on a daily basis in my current career was covered in college marketing courses. The internet makes it easy to set up a website, Facebook page, Instagram account, etc. and just experiment with things. Getting involved with your school’s internship and career development program is also a great way to connect with employers and mentors who want to help students learn and grow. If you can get practical experience and are given some room to experiment and learn you’ll quickly discover what areas of marketing you enjoy working in.”
Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“I really enjoy the opportunity to network with other people who work in similar positions and face similar types of challenges that I do. Being able to exchange ideas with people in the same field but with different skill sets and experience is an invaluable growth and learning opportunity.”
Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“Every speaker has been worth hearing and I always walk away having learned something new, but Personal Branding with Mel Carson jumps out to me as a particularly good event, as it was a nice reminder to put a bit of the same effort into yourself as you put into your everyday work.”
Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“Yes, about six times. I’ve missed a few years here and there.”
If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“From the business world, I’d love to hear Howard Schultz speak because what he did to help build contemporary coffee culture in the United States, along with his company’s brand, is simply amazing no matter how you might feel about their coffee.
“Anthony Bourdain would be another person very high on my list, as he just seems like a really interesting guy who has seen a lot of “things” in his life.”
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“I think I’d like to be an architect, designing structures that people physically interact with would be very interesting. My great great grandfather Justus Krumbein was an architect here in Portland in the 1800s and designed many buildings that are still around today, so it would be interesting to have the same long-lasting impact.”
Favorite Beverage and why?
“A really good cup of coffee.”
To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I’m going to be a dad soon! So excited to help my kid learn and experience all the great things in our world.”
Thanks, Adam!
Make sure to find Adam at our next event and congratulate him on his status of Member of the Month!