Ben Herman – July 2016 Member of the Month
About Ben Herman
Area(s) of Expertise
Analytics, PPC, SEO
What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“Good digital marketing to me is cutting edge and that’s what’s fun about what we do. Being a part of a company in such a progressive industry is exciting and rewarding. When my company is able to develop and execute on innovative ideas that help build businesses, big and small, I genuinely feel like we are doing something great.”
What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Get an internship at a digital marketing agency. Understanding what a good digital strategy looks like and how to execute and deliver on it is key. Portland has so many great agencies that there’s no excuse for not finding a good place locally to begin your career.”
Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“Collaborative is one of our core values as a company. It’s a concept that drives both our internal and external interactions. So being a part of the local search community and sharing ideas with some of the best minds around is why we are members.”
Who’s been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“Dennis Yu was one of our favorite speakers. It was great to see a live facebook ad account in action.”
Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) / how many have you attended?
“Yes, I have been to 5 SearchFests.”
If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“I’ve always enjoyed Marty Weintraub. His candid approach lends itself well to the material that I have seen him present on.”
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Something in market research. That was my background previous to search.”
Favorite Beverage and why?
“A mojito. Have you ever had a bad one?”
To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
Thanks, Ben!
Make sure you congratulate Ben on his Member of the Month status the next time you see him and maybe get him a mojito? Until next month!