Engage 2018 Mini-Interview: Marty Weintraub

Marty Weintraub will be speaking on Facebook Ads at Engage 2018, which will take place March 8th, 2018 in Portland, Oregon. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.

Engage 2018 Speaker - Marty Weintraub1) Please give us your background and let us know what you do for a living.

Greetings Portland! I founded and help lead AIMCLEAR Marketing Agency (wow, such old school anchor text, ah…the good ol’ days) I’m a speaker, author, EU/UK Search Awards judge, weekly Inc. Magazine Columnist online and northern Minnesota wilderness guide. I proudly consider myself a bootstrapped entrepreneur.

AIMCLEAR is a driven marketing agency known for integrated search and social psychographic targeting. We’ve tallied 10 US Search Awards, including 2X Best Large Integrated Agency, Best Use Of Social In A Search Campaign. AIMCLEAR’s differentiator is the Tao of holistic brand creative-builds and integrated psychographic performance marketing.

Client credits include Uber, eBay, Airbnb, Dell, LInkedIn, Etsy, Eurail, Firestone, Amazon, Quest, Intel, Travelocity, Macy’s, GoDaddy, 3M, InfusionSoft, Siemens, Seagull Outfitters and many more. I’ve had the pleasure of spending years traversing international digital conference circuit, I’ve gotten to speak in front of hundreds of search & social marketing conference audiences, from Jerusalem to Sydney.

AIMCLEAR is a 6X 500/5000 company, (2012-2017: fastest growing privately held US Firms), I help guide Aimclear agency content, vision, services & creative-hands-on. aimClear is a 4X top 100 workplace by Minnesota Business Magazine. Because our team is so great, I was cited as 4X as a “Top 25 Most Influential PPC Expert,”
Top 100 Twin Cities People To Know & claimed the coveted “US Search Personality Of The Year” tiara. This is ALL because our team at AC is so amazing. I am such a lucky human. #Grateful.

2) You’ve told me how effective your seminars have been for Social Psychographics, Integrated Search, & Radical Audience Targeting. Why do think that is?

We take things from the perspective of marketing integration and revenue. In a full day we teach how to make (much) more money with paid & organic social media, integrated with, search, PR, SEO, offline and other data. Channels include Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram – Integrated with AdWords, Retargeting & Remarketing. The suggested skill level is intermediate to Advanced.

Ironically, as paid social channels reach wide adoption, many marketers can’t score ROI at scale, let alone effectively integrate with search, brand and creative segmentation. Ask some marketers how they meld paid social, search, PR, SEO, offline and other data for greater leads and sales. You’ll get a blank stare-deer in the headlights. Join us for a no-holds-barred full day workshop shredding session to demystify and empower attendees:

· Psycho Vs. Demo & Why ARE We Here?

· Psychographic Research & Planning

· Data Structure, Tagging & Organization

· Practical Psychographics for Profit

· PR & Social Psychographic Influencer Marketing

· Creative Segmentation! The Last Mile of Psychographic Targeting

· How to Build Psychographic Targeting Tookits

· Organic Psychographics

· Advanced Integration: SEM, SEO & Data Management

· AI, Machine Learning & Social Psychographic Integration

3) How have Facebook’s response to the “Russian Ad” incident impacted advertisers?

Well, Facebook gutted employer targeting, which screwed up some media targeting. However, we’ve mapped around it by identifying proxies. You can take away FB targeting for Hitler, David Duke and rabble-rousing racist layers. However, we still have Mussolini, and Britebart. The net effect is that the targeting is slightly dumber in some areas. However, skilled marketers haver already figured out workarounds. We’ll share them during the workshop.

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