SearchFest 2016 Mini-Interview: Jon Cooper

Jon Cooper will be speaking about Link-Building at SearchFest 2016, which is being held March 10th, 2016 at the Sentinel Hotel in Portland, Oregon. For more information or to purchase tickets, please click here.

See Jon Cooper Speak at SearchFest 20161) Please give us your background and tell us what you do for a living.
I run a link building agency out of Gainesville, FL. I first started as an SEO 5 years ago, and quickly decided to specialize in link building. I launched Point Blank SEO 4 years ago, a blog specifically about link building, to share about some of the things that were on my mind at the time.

2) When and why would you disavow links?
Truth be told, I don’t at all. We as an agency only acquire editorial links, and I’ve been lucky enough to pick & choose clients with backgrounds in either white hat link building, or none at all.

3) How does one quantify the value of a particular link as part of an overall link-building effort?
Judging the individual ROI of a specific link is nearly impossible. One of the most overlooked reasons for this is that the additional ranking boost an individual link can have is largely dependent on the page/site it’s going to. If it’s poorly optimized, it’s like pouring water into a bucket with a bunch of holes in the bottom. But even if it’s very well optimized, position rankings are all dependent on how distant the next-best result is in terms of authority & relevance (so i.e. the next step in the staircase could be huge, but the following ones would be tiny). It all sounds very basic, and there’s much more to it (i.e. what about the authority/relevance of the link itself?), but overall, trying to quantify the dollar amount a link is worth to a site is, in my opinion, a waste of time & effort. Rather, if we were to take a very ROI-driven approach a link building campaign, it would involve conducting a small campaign, measuring impact, and then if it’s at an acceptable level, scaling up from there. It really has to be on a holistic level, not on an individual level.

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