SEMpdx Welcomes Ian Lurie to Advisory Board

SEMpdx Announces New Advisory Board Member Ian Lurie

We are pleased to announce Ian Lurie, CEO and founder of Portent Inc., as the newest addition to our advisory board. Ian possesses extensive knowledge in internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, strategy and analytics — holding over 40,000 hours in experience under his belt. This SEO mastermind is also a co-publisher for multiple publications and is regularly a speaker at various marketing conferences.

“I’m extremely flattered and honored to join the SEMpdx advisory board. This is by far the most organized and consistent organization that I can proudly say I am a part of,” said Lurie. “What better time to join then now with our annual conference, SearchFest, right around the corner.”

Ian has unofficially been a part of SEMpdx for many years as a SearchFest and monthly event presenter.

About Ian:Ian-Lurie

Ian Lurie is the CEO and founder of Portent Inc., an internet marketing and technology company that he started in 1995 in Seattle, Wash. Lurie comes to the advisory board as one of the world’s top experts on internet, search and social media marketing. This internet marketing specialist recently co-published the second edition of Web Marketing All-In-One for Dummies and has written Conversation Marketing: Internet Marketing Strategies. Lurie regularly shares his knowledge at various marketing conferences around the world, such as ad:Tech, Search Engine Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), SearchLove, MozCon, Blogworld and Pubcon.

This Seattle resident embodies SEMpdx’s drive to enhance the digital marketing community while continuously striving to deliver the newest advancements in the ever-changing industry. Lurie’s biggest ambition would be to set up a sister organization in Seattle to continue SEMpdx’s prestige and expertise.

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